Rich Energy is Constellation Energy's #1 Alliance Channel Partner in the United States.

When considering energy efficiency projects, successfully choosing the right efficiency provider to help identify and develop solutions to meet your goals can be challenging, and is only part of the process – you also need to consider how to pay for these upgrades that provide long term benefits. That’s why Constellation created Efficiency Made Easy® (EME) — a solution that can play an integral role in achieving your strategic financial and environmental goals.

Don't Spend Valuable Capital!
Learn About Constellation's
"EME" Efficiency Made Easy
100% Project Funding Program

This unique, award-winning solution provides an opportunity to pay for these conservation measures with no upfront capital through monthly charges that appear as a single, fixed-price line item as part of your monthly competitive power or gas supply bill from Constellation. You can realize cost savings through a reduction in consumption and an improved load profile, which will positively impact future energy costs and the ability to meet environmental goals over time.

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