Sample Projects (Case Studies)

"We Know Your Market"


Genesis Healthcare
Kenneth Square, PA

ZERO Capital Expenditure*
$931,777 Annual Energy Savings
Infinite Internal Rate of Return

ECM Project Cost $4,084,836
Rebates and Incentives $534,919
10-year Positive Cash Flow $7,350,065


*100% funding via Constellation Energy "Efficiency Made Easy" On-Bill financing program.

Scope of Work

Rich Energy Solutions (RES) has completed more than 120 energy retrofit projects for Genesis Healthcare over the past eight years. Genesis Healthcare, based in Kennett Square, PA they own, manage and operates over 400 high-quality long-term care facilitates across the United States. RES has provided laundry, LED lighting, wireless controls, mechanical and ventilation solutions with an internal rate of return ((IRR) that exceeded the company standards for all required capital expenditure projects.


Graham Building
Philadelphia, PA

45% Internal Rate of Return
$208,000 Annual Energy Savings
2.2-year Simple Payback

ECM Project Cost $622,610
Rebates and Incentives $156,400
10-year Positive Cash Flow $1,622,400


“We hired Rich Energy Solutions to provide a turn-key solution to our building and energy conservation needs. We reduced our tenants’ electric cost by more than 35%, received a large rebate, we would recommend Rich Energy to every building in Philadelphia!”

-David Grasso,
Owner of Grasso Holdings
(Graham Building Owner)

Scope of Work

Rich Energy Solutions discovered the antiquated pneumatic controls for the heating and cooling system were producing the same cost in the summer and winter! Effectively the heating and cooling were both running in the winter. Rich Energy Solutions converted the “fresh air” chase in the building to a “free cooling” chase by installing 6 - 6’x8’ louvers in the back of the building to displace 1,000 tons of cooling creating an air-cooled economizer for the building. The building was also outfitted with new boilers, Pumps with VFD’s and over 5,000 Phillips LED lights.


Hilton Hotel & Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA

ZERO Out-of-Pocket*
$111,549 Annual Energy Savings
Infinite Internal Rate of Return

ECM Project Cost $545,170
Rebates and Incentives $56,500
10-year Positive Cash Flow $2,095,717


*100% funding via Constellation Energy "Efficiency Made Easy" On-Bill financing program.

Scope of Work

Rich Energy Solutions (RES) developed a multiple phased approach to energy efficiency so the customer could use the energy savings and rebates to pay for future phases of the project.

Phase #1 – State-of-the-art LED lighting retrofit of the common areas, back of the house and hotel rooms to greatly reduce energy and maintenance costs and create standardization throughout the facility.

Phase #2 – Replacement of the original domestic water booster pumps with high-efficiency motors, variable frequency drive, and controls. A new high efficiency condensing boiler installed in the rooftop mechanical penthouse and 16 large air handling units for ballrooms and function areas were renovated to modulate the HVAC systems based on demand.

Phase #3 – Being Developed, Occupancy based guest rooms thermostats with a web-based tool to reduce energy costs and increase guest comfort!


Industry Fact: Rich Energy Solutions has completed more than $30,000,000 worth of energy efficiency retrofits in over 40 casinos across the US!

Tropicana Hotel & Casino
Laughlin, Nevada

43% Internal Rate of Return
$261,806 Annual Energy Savings
2.4-year Simple Payback

ECM Project Cost $673,671
Rebates and Incentives $89,660
10-year Positive Cash Flow $2,013,288


Scope of Work

Designed, furnished and installed a new web-based building management system to intelligently control the existing chillers, boilers, pumps, cooling towers, and air handling units for the casino floor. Installed more than 5,000 LED lights for the parking garage, back of the house and common areas. Provided custom “green” wall wash LED lights for the exterior of the building.


Historic Drake Building
Cleveland, Ohio

ZERO Capital Expenditure*
$74,304 Annual Energy and Maintenance Savings
Infinite Internal Rate of Return

ECM Project Cost $289,635
Rebates and Incentives $5,465
10-year Positive Cash Flow $435,997


*100% funding via Constellation Energy "Efficiency Made Easy" On-Bill financing program.

Scope of Work

The Historic Drake Building was owned by Forrest City from Cleveland Ohio. Forrest City was recently acquired by Brookfield from Australia the largest multi-family property owner in the world. Rich Energy Solutions (RES) replaced 734 steam traps throughout the fully occupied building. RES also updated every radiator with a thermostatic steam valve controller which increased the comfort for the tenants and greatly reduced the energy cost in the building. All of the common areas were upgraded with new state-of-the-art LED lighting which eliminated maintenance cost for 5 years and created a standardized look for the entire building.


Kingsbury Bearings
Philadelphia, PA

ZERO Capital Expenditure*
$160,000 Annual Energy Savings
Infinite Internal Rate of Return

ECM Project Cost $416,000
Rebates and Incentives $21,000
10-year Positive Cash Flow $1,184,000


*100% funding via Constellation Energy "Efficiency Made Easy" On-Bill financing program.

Scope of Work

Rich Energy Solutions (RES) was asked to provide a price for LED lighting for the Kingsbury corporation that produces “thrush bearings” for nuclear submarines for the US Military.

When we surveyed the building they asked: “what else can you do to help us reduce our energy costs”? The RES survey team asked about the heating and cooling for the assembly area and provided a price to replace 4 – 25-ton gas/electric rooftop units with new high efficiency packaged units with economizers. Kingsbury got the 4 new energy-efficient units and the savings were outstanding!

Silver Lining – RES replaced over 300 existing 400-watt metal halide fixtures which generated 120,000 watts of heat. When converted to BTU’s and the old lights gave off 408,000 BTU’s of excessive heat. Less the 153,000 BTU’s from the new LED fixtures and net heat gain was reduced by 255,000 BTU’s! This reduction in BTU’s made a huge financial impact on the cost of the air conditioning the assembly area not calculated in these cost savings numbers.